Smart Cities and Open Government

(side event)

Smart Cities and Open Government:

Local responses to participation, public information and democracy

September, 23th. 2022

Faculty of Political Science and Sociology.

Complutense University of Madrid (UCM- Spain)


Local governments have a particular advantage to promote and create collaborative and participatory governance and policy networks in their territories, due to their proximity with local stakeholders. Local governance is also a laboratory for digitalization. But decentralization and local autonomy are not automatically translated in good governance, and the need for transparency, access to information and public participation seems essential to achieve local democracy goals .

In-between IPSA world congresses, RC05, RC10 and RC22 want to meet with international experts on local government, political and public participation, access to information and public information management, to discuss the progress and challenges of local and subnational governments as fundamental actors for collaborative, participatory and democratic governance.

Presentación (ES)

Este año, dentro del Congreso GIGAPP tendremos un side event muy especial que versará sobre la temática de gobierno abierto, y gobernanza abierta local y las smart cities, con el apoyo y participación de tres Research Committees (RC) de la Asociación Internacional de Ciencia Política IPSA, en colaboración con la Asociación Española de Ciencia Política AECPA.

RC05 Comparative Studies on local government and Politics

RC10 Electronic Democracy

RC Political Communication

A tal fin, incluiremos dentro de nuestro programa sesiones especiales con la participación de expertos e investigadores internacionales en gobierno abierto y en ciudades inteligentes, mediando un llamado a propuestas específico.

We hereby invite to present proposals to the joint seminar of the Research Committees 05 (Comparative studies on Local Government and Politics), 10 (Electronic Democracy) and 22 (Political Communication) of the International Political Science Association IPSA, with the Spanish Association of Political Science and Public Administration (AECPA), to be held on September 2022 as part of the XI GIGAPP International Congress in Madrid, Spain.

In-between IPSA world congresses, RC05, RC10 and RC22 want to meet with international experts on local government, political and public participation, access to information and public information management, to discuss the progress and challenges of subnational governments as fundamental actors for collaborative, participatory and democratic governance.

Corona volente, we will have an in-person meeting on September 23, 2022, in the Complutense University of Madrid. The event is sponsored by the International Political Science Association IPSA, associated with GIGAPP.

More info:

[José Hernandez-Bonivento]

Ph.D. Associate professor, Institute of Administration. Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences.

Austral University of Chile.